My Motivation

My Motivation
The Joy of My Life

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Reflection Paper 2

As a person that has experienced many challenges and things in my life, this reading passage has broadened my thoughts, viewpoints and outlook on life. Lately, we have been discussing the changes of life and how time can change our society for the good and even in some opinion the bad. A natural well minded person will look at themselves, evaluate where they are and begin to make changes that will transform their state of being. One will look at their current situation; their current state of accomplishment and begin to evaluate and examine how they can transform within and the things around them. In my opinion, life is lived in a cycle. For example, a child is born, raised, taught the core values of life, grow up, and then reproduce and the same cycle is repeated again. But then, that’s when one must stop and think how my life can be at a place where I affect the people around me. The article described the different levels of change. Renovation, restore, recover, alteration, and revolution all deals with the same thing and have the same meaning…CHANGE! Like when change came about when President Obama came into office, change when black and whites are able to work together, and change when a single parent succeeds above measure. Whether it’s in our personal, spiritual, or social life all our parts and beings can use work, but it all begins in the mind. Once a change has been renewed in the mind it shows in the physical being. For my own personal life, I had to accept the fact that I am a single parent and can succeed in life, but a change of mind had to take place in order for me to think that way. I could have a negative mind set and always think negative things, but I choose to accomplish the impossible. That’s why it’s vitally important the mind is regenerated and our acts must follow. Such as a drug user or prostitute, they have to make up in their minds that a renewal has to occur and their physical outlook must be restored. Every step in life is a process and not something that happens over night. Time determines change and change determines the outcomes in life. If I am consistently doing negative things, negative things will consistently happen in my life. Now you may have a person that’s on a tract to good things and just needs simple alterations to their life such as the way they think or do things. For example, smoking or not completing a required assignment. Every day as I live my life, I think about how I can change my personal outlook on things and how I could become a better person. Whether if it’s changing my hair style or how I see another person. Once again, change and transformation goes hand and hand; without transformation change cannot manifest.

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